The Ray Tree

The RAY - SPURLING branch


From the Will of Samuel Ray of Worlingworth, Suffolk, 1790 - 1835.

Will dated 27 December 1834, proved 27 July 1835.

THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT of SAMUEL RAY Spirit Merchant of the parish of Worlingworth in the County of Suffolk made and signed this twenty seventh day of December one thousand eight hundred and thirty four.

First I wish my Executors and Executrix hereinafter named to dispose of all my household furniture linen and goods of every description within twelve months after my decease to collect all my book debts and monies, to pay all my just debts, funeral expenses and probate of this my will and dispose of what may arise therefrom as follows.

I give to Phillis my beloved wife fourteen hundred pounds for her sole use and benefit which with the 600 pounds in Mr Jn Hanford's hands, the amount of her marriage bond, makes 2000 pounds.
THE RESIDUE of my property I give to my children to be equally divided amongst them, share and share alike, each share to be placed out at interest in legal security and */* ? principal to be paid to each as they arrive at the age of twenty one. The interest to be paid half yearly and to go towards their maintenance and education and I so appoint my brother William Ray of Tannington my son Samuel Ray of the same parish my EXECUTORS and Phillis Ray my beloved wife EXECUTRIX to this my last will.

(Signed) Samuel Ray   (Witnesses) David Newson, James Rees, J.L. Button.

MEMORANDUM  January 7th 1835. I so wish my Executors and Executrix to take any sum not exceeding one hundred pounds from the shares of any of my children before they should come of age if wanted for their education or to find them out apprentices. (Signed) Saml. Ray.  (Witnesses) Henry Preston, David Newson.

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