The Goose Tree

The CUTTS - OLLIOTT branch


Parent/s: Francis and Elizabeth (Chipperfield) Cutts. Parent/s: Martha Olliot (sic). No father named at Baptism.
Born: 14 March 1817, Rumburgh, Suffolk.
Baptised 6 April 1817, Rumburgh.
Born: 6 October 1820, Weybread, Suffolk.
Baptised 5 November 1820, Weybread.
Married: December qtr 1842, Hoxne dist 13 1045. Married: December qtr 1842, Hoxne dist 13 1045.
Married as Olliott.
Died: December qtr 1898, Hoxne dist 4a 493.
Buried 11 October 1898, Mendham, Suffolk, aged 81.
Died: December qtr 1875, Blything dist  4a 416.
Occupation: 1841 Servant.
1851 and 1861 Ag Lab.
1871 to 1891 Farmer.
Notes: 1841 Servant, age 23, to Edward Chambers, Farmer at All Saints, South Elmham.
1851 and 1861 Ag Lab at All Saints, South Elmham, Suffolk.
1871 Farmer 35 acres at Rumburgh, Suffolk.
1881 and 1891 Widower, Farmer 72 acres at Walpole, Suffolk.
Notes: 1841 Servant to Joshua Smith and family at Weybread, age 20.
Source: 1841 HO107/1039/9 F3 P6.       1851 HO107/1804 F40 P6,
1861 RG9/1184 F* P8,              1871 RG10/1770 F52 P7,
1881 RG11/1893 F93 P15,        1891 RG12/1484 F179 P13.
Source: 1841 HO107/1026/9 F19 P29.,  Free BMDs.

James and Ann had two sons and three daughters:-
SOURCE: Ann and Eliza baptisms from Huntingfield PRs.,,, Free BMDs.

The Sons:-

DAVID CUTTS  born All Saints, South Elmham, Suffolk, June qtr 1845, Wangford dist 13 529.
Baptised 20 February 1847, All Saints, South Elmham.
1851 census with parents.
1891 census David with wife Ellen and four children with David's widowed father at Walpole.

JAMES CUTTS  born All Saints, South Elmham, Suffolk, March qtr 1855, Wangford dist 4a 659.
1861 and 1871 census with parents.

The Daughters:-

JEMIMA CUTTS  born Rumburgh, Suffolk, December qtr 1842, Blything dist 13 367.
Baptised 18 December 1842, Rumburgh.
1851 census with parents.

ANN (aka ANNIE) CUTTS  born Huntingfield, Suffolk, September qtr 1862, Blything dist 4a 618.        MORE
Baptised 24 August 1863, Huntingfield.
1871 census with parents.  1881 census with widowed father.

ELIZA CUTTS  born Huntingfield. Suffolk, September qtr 1864, Blything dist 4a 648.
Baptised 7 May 1865, Huntingfield.             See PHOTO St. Mary, Huntingfield
1871 census with parents.   1881 census with widowed father.