The Simon Tree

The SIMON branch


Appointments and Honours conferred upon
Sir John Simon, K.C.B., in his life-time

1838 - Elected Member of the Royal College of Surgeons.
1838 - Became demonstrator of Anatomy at King's College Hospital, London.
1840 - Senior Assistant-Surgeon of King's College Hospital.
1844 - Elected Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons.
1844 - Won the first Astley-Cooper prize.
1845 - Elected Fellow of the Royal Society.
1847 - Nominated lecturer in Pathology and Surgeon at St. Thomas' Hospital, London.
1848 - Appointed Officer of Health to the City of London.
1853 - Member of Royal Commission of Inquiry into the causes of Cholera at Newcastle-on-Tyne.
1854 - Member of Sir Benjamin Hall's Medical Council.
1857 - Vice-President of the Medico-Chirurgical and Clinical Societies.
1857 - President of the Medical Teachers' Association.
1857 - President of the Pathological Society.
1859 - Medical Officer to the Privy Council.
1868 - On the Council of the Royal College of Surgeons.
1868 - Elected Hon. D.C.L. of the University of Oxford.
1872 - Elected Hon. Med.-Chir. Doctor of the University of Munich.
1876 - Awarded C.B., - Companion of the Bath.
1876 - Crown Member of the General Medical Council.
1876/1878 - Vice-President of the Royal College of Surgeons.
1878/1879 - President of the Royal College of Surgeons.
1879/1880 - One of the Vice-Presidents of the Royal Society.
1880 - Elected Hon. LL. D. of the University of Cambridge.
1881 - Member of the Royal Commission of Enquiry as to the Constitution of the Medical Profession.
1882 - Elected Hon. LL. D. of the University of Edinburgh.
1887 - Awarded K.C.B., - Knight Commander of the Bath.
1887 - Elected Hon. LL. D. of the University of Dublin.
1896 - Was amongst the first four recipients of the Harben Medal of the Royal Institute of Public Health, the others were, Lord Playfair, Lord Lister and Professor Pettenkoffer of Germany.
1897 - Awarded the Buchanan Medal of the Royal Society.

Compiled by Charles George Simon (1880 - 1956) at Stansted, Essex, 1943.