The Ray Tree

The RAY - GURDON branch


 From notes by Allen Guy Ray, 1959

CHARLES RAY  educated at Emmanuel College, Cambridge: B.A. 1771,  M.A. 1774;
Rector of Whissonsett, Norfolk 1780 - 1789, and of Hoxne with Denham 1786 - 1789.

From Emmanuel College Order Book 21st October 1771:  "Agreed to nominate and appoint Charles Ray B.A. to be Chaplain and
Schoolmaster at Harleston in Norfolk. under the Common Seal"

The following inscription was copied from his tombstone in 1825, but in 1953 was partially hidden by the Font:
"Sacred to the memory of Rev. Charles Ray A.M. late Rector of Whissonsett in Norfolk and Vicar of Hoxne-cum-Denham
in this County. He died October 7th. 1789, aged 40. Integrity guided his actions, Truth directed his words, Purity dwelt in his heart,
constant and exemplary in the performance of every Christian duty. The parish regret an excellant (sic) Pastor, the poor lament
a bountiful benefactor, and his different relatives mourn the best of husbands, the kindest brother and the warmest friend.
He did justly, he lov'd mercy, and he walk'd humbly with his God"

His will is dated 7th October 1789 and proved 2nd Decr 1789 by his widow.