The Ray Tree

The RAY - CARTER branch


 From the Will of Mary (Carter) Ray, (     - 1776) of Alderton, Suffolk.

I Mary Ray of Alderton, Suffolk, widow and relict of Thomas Ray late of Woodbridge, Clerk, and daughter and heir-at-law of John Carter, late of Easton.

Messuage in Monk Soham heretofore the estate of John Rous and since of Samuel Ray father of the said Thomas, also Earl Soham and parishes adjoining containing about 32 acres, messuages in Easton or Framlingham in the occupation of George Mayhew, all to my daughter Susanna Ray of Alderton, Spinster.

The sum of £50 to each of my daughters Lydia the wife of Loder Allen of Alderton, Clerk, Deborah wife of John O'Brien of Beccles, Gent., and Sarah wife of William Henchman of Earl Soham, Surgeon.

£100 to William Ray of Worlingworth, Gent. within three months after my death upon trust that he shall put the same out or allow interest for the same at the rate of £4 per annum until my grandson Thomas Ray shall arrive at his age of 15 years and the interest thereof I desire may be laid out in apparel for my said grandson when he arrives at his said age of 15 years. Then I desire that the £100 may be given as a premium or apprentice fee to bind my said grandson to a reputable business and desire that the business of a draper may be preferred, but if he should depart in life before he is bound apprentice then the £100 in trust to Susanna my daughter.

A further sum of £130 to the said William Ray upon trust that he shall purchase and buy for my son Thomas Ray an annuity to be secured upon a freehold or copyhold estate as the said William Ray shall approve. And if the said Thomas my son depart in life etc. then upon trust to divide the same among my daughters Lydia Deborah Sarah and Susanna equally. If my daughter Deborah depart etc. then the legacy of £50 to my granddaughter Mary Ann O'Brien to be paid at her age of 21.

Daughter Susanna Ray residuary legatee and executrix with William Ray.

Dated 31st August 1775.  Witnesses Robt. Hooper, H. Johnson, Priscilla Burwood.
Proved 13th March 1776.