The Ray Tree

The RAY - SMYTH branch


From the Will of Rebecca (Smyth) Ray, Widow, of Tannington, Suffolk, 1708 - 1788.

Arch. Suffolk 79/1788 dated 8th June 1769.

In the name of God, sound and perfect memory, soul to God, body to be buried near my late husband, with 6 clergy as upper bearers, and 8 poor men for under bearers they to have gloves and 2/6 each.

The £800 left me by my late husband with all apparel, goods and chattels after debts, funeral and probate, paid to my 6 daughters. If they disagree slightly a judicious person to judge. To my cousin Brett and all brothers and sisters, my 3 sons, and daughter-in-law, wife of son William each a ring.

The poor of Worlingworth and Tannington 5 combe of wheat; 40/= worth of bread to poor of Southwold.

To a relation known by the name of John Brown 5 guineas a year for 4 years, and I desire my 6 daughters and two sons James and Charles to continue the same.  Daughter Lydia and cousin Brett executors, to each £5.

Codicil 19th July 1769.  Of money left me by my sister I give £50 to parish of Stow Bedon, Norfolk for land to buy bread for the poor, also £50 to Tannington, Suffolk on same terms. To grand-children Anne and Rebecca Clayton £50 each at 21. To my sons William, James, Charles £5 each. To daughter Elizabeth my watch and case.

Codicil 30th July 1771.  £40 to daughter Lydia.

Signed 29 May 1772. Witnesses Mary Brett, Drusilla Shreeve.

Proved by executor 21st September 1788.