The Ray Tree

The RAY - SPARROW branch


From the Will of Joseph Ray
of Worlingworth and Laxfield, Suffolk, c1625 - 1708.

Will dated 11 November 1707, proved 17 April 1708.

I, Joseph Ray of Laxfield, Suffolk woollen draper, being in good health etc. do make and ordain my last will and testament viz primarily and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of God that give it and for my body I recommend it to the earth etc. and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bles (sic) me in this life, I give devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form.

Imprimis I give and bequeath unto Samuel Ray and Deborah Grimsby, Susan Mayhew, Sarah Attlesey and Elizabeth Carver (sic) my son and daughters, to all of them the sum of £50, to be equally divided between them, viz  £10 pound apiece and if it should happen that either my afore son or daughters shall depart this life before payment then I give and devise the said legacy to be equally divided between the survivor or survivors.

I further give and devise unto the aforesaid Deborah Grimsby, my daughter, the sum of £30, but if she should depart this life before the time of payment, I then give and devise the said £30 to so many of the sons and daughters of the said Deborah as shall be living.

I give and bequeath unto Joseph Ray, Ann Fisher, the wife of ....Fisher of Diss, Norfolk, Carpenter, and John Ray my three grandchildren, the sons and daughter of Joseph Ray my son deceased, the sum of £30. Viz £15 to Joseph Ray, £5 to Ann Fisher and £10 to John Ray.

Witnesses: Barnabas Gibson, Mary Crosby, James Keable.