The Ray Tree

The RAY - SMYTH branch


From the Will of William Ray of Worlingworth, Suffolk, 1705 - 1768.

Will dated 6 September 1764, proved 23 April 1768.

..... First I give and devise unto Rebecca my well beloved wife all my meadows lands with the appurtenances lying and being in Reddenhall and Harleston in the County of Norfolk.......for and during the term of her natural life, and after her decease, I give and devise the same premises unto my eldest son William Ray, to hold to him his heirs and assigns for ever.

Then I give and devise unto the said Rebecca my wife all and every my messuages lands tenements and hereditaments whatsoever situate lying and being in Tannington in the said County of Suffolk or near there, which were late purchased by me of my Sister in law Mrs Sarah Ray, and are now in the occupation of one John Edmunds to hold to her my said wife and her assigns during the term of her natural life. my younger children James and Charles Ray and my daughters Rebecca the wife of the Reverend Mr. John Eade, Lydia, Ann, Susanna, Catherine and Elizabeth Ray in such parts shares and proportions as the said Rebecca my wife, by her last will and testament......shall pay the sum of one hundred pounds apiece to all my afore named younger children, if then living.

I give and devise unto the said Rebecca my wife all and every my messuages lands tenements and hereditaments whatsoever as well copyhold or freehold with their appurtenances which are situate lying and being in Weybread and Withersdale in the said County of Suffolk or near there and now in the tenure or occupation of one Laurance Pallant or his assigns, to hold to her and her assigns, for and during the term of her natural life, and from and immediately after her decease, I so hereby authorise empower direct and appoint that my Executors hereinafter named, or the survivors or survivor of them or the Executors or Administrators of such survivors, do and shall sell and dispose of all and every the said messuages lands hereditaments and premises in Weybread and Withersdale aforesaid or near there.  ...........the money arising from the sale of the said estates and premises as aforesaid together with the rents and profits thereof until such sale or sales can be made (after reasonable charges deducted) shall be by said Executors or the survivors or survivor of them, or the Executors or Administrators of such survivor paid to and equally divided amongst my afore named son James Ray and my six daughters , Rebecca Eade, Lydia, Ann, Susanna, Catherine and Elizabeth Ray, or such of them as shall be then living, equally share and share alike, but in case any of my last named children shall be under the age of twenty one years at the sale of the said Estates, that their respective legacy or legacies shall not be paid to them until they arrive at their respective ages of twenty one years and then to be paid to them with such interest as shall be made of the same in the mean time.

Then I give and devise unto my said son William Ray all that my Malthouse together with the messuages lands and tenements which I purchased of Edward Barker Esquire and also those my messuages tenements and Butchers shop as well Copyhold and Freehold with their appurtenances, which I purchased of my father and Uncle Ray, and also that cottage I bought of James Godbolt, as the same premises are situate lying and being in Worlingworth aforesaid, or near there and are now in the several tenures or occupations of  Lionel Baldry, Robert Rous.

Then I give and bequeath unto the said Rebecca my wife, all my Household Linen, the Bed and furniture of all sorts in the best Chamber, that Bed and furniture in the Chamber where we usually lay, the furniture of all sorts in the best parlour, and the Clock and Bureau as they stand in the compting house, together with as many other of my household goods she shall choose to the value of twenty pounds.

Then I give to my Brothers Samuel Ray and his wife and the Revd Mr Thomas Ray and his wife, to my Brother in Law, the Revd Mr Samuel Ray and his wife, to my Brothers in Law the Revd Mr Peter Smith and Mr John Smith to my two Sisters in Law Mary Ann Smith and Susanna Smith, to my Niece Anne Brett and to the Rector or Curate of Worlingworth aforesaid, who shall bury me, and to every of them a Ring in remembrance of me.

Then I direct my said Executors the first Plough Monday after my decease, to give to the poor of the said parish of Worlingworth three combs (sic) of wheat to be distributed by them at their discretion.

Signed Wm Ray in the presence of Robert Dod, John Spurling and George Groom, 6 September 1764.

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