The Ray Tree

The RAY branch


The Loyal Worlingworth Volunteers

Extracts from the minutes of the inaugural meeting of the Worlingworth Volunteers, contained in
"A Monograph of St. Mary's" written by David E. Ross in 1888.

"At a meeting of the inhabitants of the parishes of Worlingworth, Southolt, Athlington, Horham, Wilby, Brundish, Saxtead, Bedfield and Tannington, held in the parish of Worlingworth on Tuesday, the 15th day of May, 1798, John Henniker Major, Esq., in the Chair."

"Resolved Unanimously - That we hold ourselves bound in duty and gratitude at all times to assist in endeavouring to support and maintain the happy constitution of this country, and to contribute every assistance in our power, collectively and individually, to the due execution of the laws, the maintenance of civil order and good government, and the immediate suppression of all riots and tumults, under what pretence so ever they may be excited, or for what cause so ever they may arise."

"Resolved Unanimously - That a Corps of Infantry be formed by the name of the LOYAL WORLINGWORTH VOLUNTEERS to be raised, exercised, and employed in any place within the Parishes abovementioned, government finding arms and accoutrements, with such proportion of ammunition as may be necessary for the use of the Corps, government also finding a Drill Sergeant, a Drummer and a Fifer."

"Resolved Unanimously - That the Officers at present consist of a Captain and two Lieutenants, and that they be recommended to the Lord Lieutenant by the Corps."

"Resolved Unanimously - That Mr. Samuel Ray be recommended as First Lieutenant, and Mr. William Ray as our Second Lieutenant."

"Resolved Unanimously - That every one of the above mentioned Parishes, joining the Parish of Worlingworth in this Association, appoint one Committee man, and that the Parish of Worlingworth appoint seven persons for the said Committee."

"Resolved Unanimously - That the Committee meet for the first time at the SWANN INN, in the Parish of Worlingworth, on Thursday the 24th instant, at six o'clock in the afternoon, to receive further signatures, and to transact other business relating to the said Corps."

"Resolved Unanimously - That these resolutions be published once in the Bury paper and once in the Ipswich Journal, and that the Chairman be requested to dispatch them without delay to the Lord Lieutenant for the Approbation of His Majesty."


From the "London Gazette" 26 June 1798.

"Commissions in the Worlingworth, &c. Volunteer Association,
signed by His Majesty dated; June 18, 1798.
Samuel Ray, Esq. to be First Lieutenant.
William Ray, Gent. to be Second Lieutenant."
