The Goose Tree

The WATSON - KENT branch


Parent/s: James and Rebecca (Boast) Watson. Parent/s: John and Esther Kent.
John a labourer.
Born: Baptised 18 September 1825 Wissett, Suffolk. Born: Baptised 14 May 1837, Saint Nicholas, South Elmham, Suffolk.
Married: December qtr 1857, Wangford dist 4a 1477. Married: December qtr 1857, Wangford dist 4a 1477.
Died: Died:
Occupation: Ag. Lab. to 1891, Farmer, 1901. Occupation:
Notes: 1861 census, William, Ann and son William, age 1, at Rumburgh Road, Wissett, Suffolk.
1871 census, William, Ann and sons William and Samuel and daughters  Adeline, Mary Ann and Rosa at Stanfords xxx Farm, Brook Hall Road, Wissett, Suffolk.
1881 census, William, Ann and son Henry at Wissett Street, Wissett, Suffolk.
1891 census, William and Ann at The Street, Wissett, Suffolk.
1901 census, William and Ann and their unmarried son Samuel, their married son Henry with his wife Ellen and 7 months old grandson Henry E at 3 Scalesbrook, Westhall, Suffolk.
Notes: 1841 census, age 4, living with William and Elizabeth Kemp at All Saints, South Elmham, Suffolk.
1851 census, Servant, age 14, with William Thurston (Veterinary Surgeon) and family at Saint James, South Elmham, Suffolk.
Source: GRO, Wissett parish register.
1861 RG9/1181 F102 P12.    1871 RG10/1770 F111 P5/6.
1881 RG11/1893 F103 P11.  1891 RG12/1494 F158 P13.
1901 RG13/1796 F38 P6.
Source: GRO.
1841 HO107/1039 F3 P6.
1851 HO107/1804 F53 P6.
South Elmham parish register.

William and Ann had three sons and three daughters:-
SOURCE: GRO, 1881 census RG11/1892 F90 P30, 1891 census RG12/1484 F153 P4.

The Sons:-

WILLIAM WATSON born September qtr 1859, Wissett, Suffolk. Blything dist 4a 659.

SAMUEL WATSON born March qtr 1864, Wissett, Suffolk. Blything dist 4a 706.

HENRY WATSON born December qtr 1872, Wissett, Suffolk. Blything dist 4a 720.
Married June qtr 1899, Blything dist 4a 1831, CLARA ELLEN GILBERT born 1876, Sotherton, Suffolk.
Son HENRY E WATSON born 1900, Westhall, Norfolk.

The Daughters:-

ADELINE WATSON born September qtr 1861, Wissett, Suffolk, Blything dist 4a 624.

ROSA WATSON born September qtr 1865, Wissett, Suffolk, Blything dist 4a 629.   MORE
1881 census, age 15, Domestic Servant with the Baldry family, at Bungay Road, Halesworth, Suffolk.
1891 census, age 25, Single, Housekeeper to George Bootman, Farm Steward, Spexhall, Suffolk.

MARY ANN WATSON born March qtr 1868, Wrentham, Norfolk. Blything dist 4a 684.   MORE